TVL Students Challenges in Performance Task Despite Modular Distance Learning Modality
Jerwin Luisen
Discipline: Education
The modular distance learning modality poses a big challenge for the Technical-Vocational and
Livelihood (TVL) students, especially on the compliance of the performance tasks. This paper
presents the challenges of the TVL students whileperforming the performance tasks. Phenomenology
was used to gather data from the interviews of 15 TVL students from La Filipina National High
School. Results revealed that students faced the following challenges: has little knowledge of the
task, lack of resources, difficulties with technology, environmental disruption, and conflict of time.
However, these challenges have been coped with by managing time, seeking help from others, and
looking for financial resources. The results implied that teachers, heads, supervisors, and
administrators play an essential role in the actualization of the goals and in helping the students
overcome the challenges in the new normal. Also, the study gives awareness, insights, and
suggestions that may be useful in providing quality education to TVL students.
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