HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 7 (2022)

Challenges in Food and Service Management Courses’ Instructional Delivery, Students’ Motivation and Competencies: Inputs for an Innovative Delivery Framework

Maricel Mojica

Discipline: Education



Today, instructional delivery is one of the great challenges being faced by educational institutions offering technology courses which require the development of knowledge and skills as well as the formation of values. The researcher was motivated to conduct a study to help Food and Service Management professors deliver quality instruction to the learners to produce future ready students for employment or as business technocrats and professionals. The research was on the “challenges encountered in the Food and Service Management Courses’ Instructional Delivery and students’ motivation and competencies. The method of research used was the descriptive type with the survey questionnaire which was validated by four TESDA experts and three senior FSM faculty. There were 12 school officials, 44 FSM faculty members, and 945 students. The statistical tools used to treat the data were the weighted mean, and t-test. It was revealed that there is a great need to revisit the instructional delivery modes. Respondents rated the challenges at a “Very High Extent”. This finding could signal the need to develop and use flexible teaching-learning platforms and strategies to organize activities that could strengthen the learners’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The level of motivation was “Moderate”, and the competencies were “Very High”. An innovative delivery framework was developed to improve the FSM courses of selected SUCs in NCR.


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