Rhea Joy Flora | Julius T. Vergara | Vivian Andaya | Rodrigo Paglomutan Jr | Joel Japitana | Edgardo Reyes | Lilian Diana Parreño
Discipline: agricultural sciences
Biochar is a charcoal used as a soil amendment. It is a stable solid, rich in carbon, and
can endure in the ground for thousands of years. The process of producing biochar is the same
when making charcoal, but with the aid of a modified burner. This study was conducted to
determine the growth and yield performance of potted bell pepper using Biochar as soil
amendment. The growth parameters were plant height (cm.) and leaf growth while the yield
parameters were fruit weight (grams) and fruit diameter (cm.). The research design was
Complete Randomized Design. There was no significant difference in the growth performance
during the first data gathering, but the number of leaves showed a significant difference, wherein
bell pepper planted on a soil media added with different levels of Biochar showed better
performance than those with no Biochar. Furthermore, a significant difference was observed
during the second to fourth data gathering for both plant height, and leaves. The potted bell
pepper applied with different levels of Biochar showed better performance than those with no
Biochar applications. As to yield performance of bell pepper, the fruit diameter and weight
showed a significant difference when because some bell peppers without biochar additive did not bear fruits. Therefore, the different levels of Biochar application as soil amendment significantly
resulted in better yield performance of bell pepper up to the fourth harvest. The Biochar
applications of up to 3.0kgs significantly resulted in better growth and yield performance of the
potted bell pepper.
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