HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 8 (2023)

Online Learning Challenges and Coping Mechanisms of the Students in a Private Catholic Institution

Ma. Princess Angela Bernardo | Joeanna Abigail Garingan | Rio Valerie Guyud | Adri Zeus Nadera | Earlle Myel Nagtalon | Mary Ann Lei Tique | Mark Balonquita | Rachille Francis

Discipline: Education



The continuous proliferation of COVID-19 is taking a toll on the education sector. The temporary closure of schools, the cancellation of face-to-face classes, and the forced transition from traditional learning to an online setting are overwhelming for the majority. Hence, this research was conducted to determine the challenges and coping mechanisms of the Grade 12 Senior High School students of Saint Mary’s University. This study utilized a mixed-method design involving qualitative and quantitative methods. A total of 249 grade 12 students participated in the data gathering using a modified questionnaire. The gathered data was then analyzed and interpreted through descriptivecomparative-correlational statistics and thematic analysis. The study revealed the level of challenges experienced by the grade 12 students of Saint Mary’s University when grouped according to 4 domains. In terms of technological literacy and competency challenges and learning resources challenges, the students experienced a slightly challenging level while their self-regulation challenges and the learning environment challenges resulted to a moderately challenging level. However, no significant differences were found between the challenges experienced by the grade 12 students and their demographic profile variables including the strand, internet connectivity, gadget availability and work status. Moreover, the results of the qualitative responses show that the most effective coping mechanism for the students during online learning is time management. These infer that the students should focus on governing themselves and conforming to their surroundings when dealing with online classes.


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