HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 1 (2023)

Performance of Novice and Experienced Teachers Using Blended Learning Modality in the Division of Quezon: Basis for Intervention Program

Mayeth Panopio

Discipline: Education



To develop an intervention program that focuses on enhancing the teachers' performance in the blended learning modality, the research's goal is to identify the performance of novice and experienced teachers in using blended learning modality, challenges, and solutions encountered in the blended learning modality. Because of the sort of data gathered and research methods used, this study is both descriptive in style and quantitative in form. One hundred public elementary school instructors comprise the population, consisting of fifty new teachers and fifty seasoned educators. The data were measured and analyzed using statistical methods. Results of the study revealed that novice and experienced teachers should prioritize the training program in different domains as supported by the data from their performances in using blended learning modality, challenges, and solutions in blended learning modality. There is a significant difference in the performance between novice and experienced teachers in blended learning modality. An intervention training program that focused on improving the teachers’ performance based on the result of the study was commendable for use by teachers. This training program will upgrade teachers’ teaching performance specifically in implementing blended learning modality. It is highly recommended that the school principal must see to it that there is always collaboration in the activities in schools between more technologically literate teachers and less technologically literate teachers, monitor the teaching practices in the use of online learning of the teachers in teaching, and provide training about the importance of a training program that will improve their performance in blended learning. Teachers need to attend training and other professional development about improving their performance. Parents and students should be invited to participate in decision-making and become involved as stakeholders. Collaboration among parents, students, teachers, and schools will improve communication and help to understand the roles of each within education. Future researchers may research the blended learning modality in other divisions, or they can also evaluate the effectivity of this output, make more studies on blended learning modality or they may conduct this study in private elementaryschools in the Division of Quezon.


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