HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 7 (2023)

Academic Validation, Motivation, and Anxiety Among College Students in Lipa City Colleges

Joyce Latorre | Kyla Dawn Umali | Mark Joseph Cabael | Jeremich Serafica | Noralyn Muria

Discipline: Education



Some factors influence the students' feelings of validation, motivation, and anxiety. The present study identified and assessed the respondents' level of academic validation, academic motivation, and academic anxiety. A predictive correlational research design was utilized to assess the predictive relationship of the variables of the study. Stratified random sampling was employed to select the respondents (N=219) from the Accountancy, Criminology, Education, and Nursing programs. These standardized questionnaires: the Diverse Learning Environment Scale, the Inventory of School Motivation Scale, and the Academic Anxiety Scale, were answered by the respondents, mainly those from the Accountancy program. The present study found that the college students have a high level of academic validation, academic motivation, and academic anxiety. It was also discovered that academic validation is a predictor of academic motivation and that they have a positive relationship, meaning with every increase in academic validation, there is also an increase in academic motivation. The result implies that the factors that make the students feel validated are to remain for them to stay motivated. Likewise, the study found that academic motivation is a predictor of academic anxiety but these variables have a negative relationship, wherein with every increase in academic motivation, there is a decrease in academic anxiety. The result implies that the factors that positively influence the students' motivation should remain to lessen students’ anxiety.


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