HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 7 (2023)

Conservation Awareness and Techniques in Buluan Lake, Maguindanao, BARMM

Amera Malaco | Angel Lhi Dela Cruz | Cherie Mangaoang

Discipline: Education



Conservation practices are essential to save the environment. The study aims to determine the local awareness, knowledge, and attitudes of Maguindanaon tribes toward biodiversity conservation in Lake Buluan, Tumbao, Mangudadatu, Maguindanao. The descriptive qualitative method is used. The fifty respondents composed of 64% were male, and 36% were female. The overall mean knowledge of biodiversity and conservation among respondents was very high, ranging from 4.21-5.00. The perceived attitude of the respondents towards biodiversity and conservation was medium, indicating that the majority of the respondents are aware of the loss, exploitation, and precursor of the loss of habitat of native species in the area. The overall mean of 4.16 indicates a high sense of dependent on biodiversity at Lake Buluan. The results showed a high sense of responsibility in preserving the environment, cultural homogeneity, and a high level of community belongingness in Lake Buluan. Pearson correlation was used to assess the strength of the relationship. There is a significant correlation between community awareness and age, and knowledge, practices, and well-being had a significant relationship. This contributes to government and policy- makers in developing a more effective strategy for promoting biodiversity and conservation. The results show that people are aware of the impacts of anthropogenic activity but less concerned about the issues regarding biodiversity and conservation. It is a good indicator that their concern for conservation issues in the midst of development.


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