HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 1 (2023)

“I Am Physically, Emotionally and Mentally Stressed”: From the Voices of the Elementary and Secondary School Heads

Richmund Asuncion

Discipline: Education



This study explored the phenomenon of the school heads handling stress. Specifically, it examined their lived experiences with their job, the common stressors, how they take the stress; and the best practices which were drawn from managing stress. This study was conducted using a face-to-face interview with the sixteen school heads with experience in handling stress. After careful data analysis using Colaizzi’s method, findings revealed four major themes: instructional leadership, administrative management, stressors, and coping mechanisms, along with 14 core ideas and 183 significant statements. The CPs' encounter with stress and how they handle it provides some implications: noting that the major responsibility of a school head is to conduct instructional supervision through classroom observation where technical assistance is being provided; stress is normal, and it is already a part of everyone's life, their experiences vary and depends on their situation; novice school heads tend to struggle during their adjustment period; they still need to express their concerns about their job to their immediate superior and the superior's support should always be present and above all, faith in GOD should always be kept in everything anybody does.


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