HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 4 (2023)

Self-Efficacy, Self-Management and Performance of Teachers on the New Normal

Loni Daria

Discipline: Education



Self-Efficacy, Self-Management and Performance are factors that contribute a lot to the teaching and learning process. The way teachers’ believe in their one’s capabilities and how they manage themselves will impact their personal and professional skills. Their performance will bring out the full potential of their students. The main objective of this study was to determine the level of Self-Efficacy in terms of Home-Related Task and School Related Task, Self-Management in terms of Priority Setting, Self-Care and Role Clarity and Performance of teachers in the new normal in terms of 5 Key Results Area (KRA). The descriptive correlational type of research, specifically the survey technique using quantitative method was used in the study. Further, this descriptive study was conducted to determine the level of self-efficacy, the level of self-management and performance of the teachers in the New Normal in the District of Maayon for the School year 2021-2022. This study involved 32 elementary school taken as population and 160 randomly selected Elementary Teachers in the District of Maayon. A researcher-modified from Damianus Abun (2021) survey questionnaire was made in gathering data. The study was limited to the level of Self-Efficacy, Self-Management and Performance of Teachers in the New Normal. The independent variable consists of the level of Self-Efficacy in terms of Home Related Task and School Related Task and Self-Management of Teachers in the New Normal in terms of Priority Setting, Self Care and Role Clarity while the dependent variable consist of the Performance of Teachers in the New Normal in terms of 5 Key Result Area (1) Content Knowledge and Pedagogy (2) Learning Environment (3) Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning & Assessment and Reporting (4) Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Professional Development and (5) Plus Factor. The statistical tools utilized in this study were frequency count, percentage mean, and Standard Deviation. While inferential data were processed using Pearson r Correlation. The results of this study reveals that the level of Self-Efficacy of teachers in the new normal in terms of Home Related and School Related tasks was manifested as “High”. The level of Self-Management of teachers in the new normal in terms of Priority Setting, Self-Care, and Role Clarity was rated as “High” The performance of teachers in terms of 5 Key Results Area (KRA) 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy 2. Learning Environment 3. Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning & Assessment, and Reporting 4. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Professional Development and 5. Plus Factor in the new normal as a whole was manifested as “High”. Lastly, there was a significant relationship noted in the level of Self-Efficacy and level of Self-Management of Teachers in the New Normal. The level of Self-Efficacy and level of Self-Management were found significantly related but not to the level of performance of teachers in the new normal.


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