HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 1 (2023)

Digital Competencies and Experiences in Using Digital Technologies of Public School Teachers in Island Municipalities in Quezon, Philippines

Gian Paolo Lagos | Julieta Nabos

Discipline: Education



The study determined the digital competencies and experiences public elementary and secondary school teachers encountered in using digital technologies. It investigated how often teachers use digital technologies in their teaching tasks. It also measured the level of digital competencies of teachers in terms of information and digital literacy, communication and collaboration, digital content creation, online safety, and problem-solving. The study identified if there is a significant difference between the digital competencies of public elementary and secondary teachers. It also determined the experiences of public school teachers in using digital technology in preparing lessons and instructional materials, delivering instruction, assessing students’ competencies, and administrative work. The study was conducted in the municipalities of Quezon, Alabat, and Perez; all are located in Alabat Island, Quezon province in the Philippines. In total, 161 public elementary and 115 public secondary teachers participated in this study. Data were gathered through a questionnaire designed by the researcher and validated by education and information technology experts. Findings show that respondents oftentimes utilize digital devices, productivity software, and messaging and social media platforms; while digital learning applications, learning management systems, electronic learning resources, and online meeting platforms are sometimes used. The teachers are highly competent at creating digital material. They are moderately competent in information and digital literacy, online safety, and problem solving; and less competent at communication and collaboration. Furthermore, a significant difference was noted between elementary and secondary school teachers' competencies in communication and collaboration, as well as in digital content development. Regarding information and digital literacy, online safety, and problem-solving, no significant difference in the teachers’ competencies was noted. Finally, the respondents frequently experienced the use of digital technologies in creating lessons and instructional materials, delivering instruction, assessing student competencies, and administrative works.


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