HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 1 (2023)

ISO 9001:2015 Certification Status and Organizational Effectiveness of the Department of Education Division Offices in Calabarzon: Validation of Quality Assurance Principles in the Department of Education

Gilbert Alva | Jalos Leodegario Jr.

Discipline: Education



This study entitled ISO 9001:2015 Certification Status and Organizational Effectiveness of the Department of Education Division Offices in CALABARZON: Validation of Quality Assurance Principles in the Department of Education aimed to validate the quality assurance principles among ten (10) DepEd Schools Division Offices (SDOs) in CALABARZON. Specifically, this study sought to determine the following: profile of the ISO-certified Schools Division Offices in CALABARZON in terms of the size of the organization and number of years as ISO certified; status of ISO certification in terms of understanding the context of the organization, leadership, planning, support, operation, performance evaluation, and improvement; level of organizational effectiveness, in terms of customer relationship, communication effectiveness, employees’ commitment, employees’ competence, customer satisfaction, addressing risks, process management, partnership and linkages, and awards and recognition; the significant relationship between the status of ISO certification and level of organizational effectiveness; the validity of the principle of quality assurance in the DepEd setting, and a framework to sustain the quality management system in a schools division office. The researcher used the descriptive mixed-method research design to integrate quantitative and qualitative data using a validated researcher-made questionnaire to gather the quantitative data, which were analyzed using statistical tools such as Percentage, Weighted Arithmetic Mean, and Pearson moment of correlation. An interview guide was used to gather the qualitative data, which was analyzed using thematic analysis. Likewise, important data and records were used to validate the quality assurance practices of the division offices. Implications of the study were discussed.


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