HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 10 (2023)

School-Based Management Practices of Public Elementary School in School Division of Lucena City for the School Year 2022

Alvaro Acejo | Jalos Leodegario Jr.

Discipline: Education



This study attempted to determine the school-based management practices of public elementary schools by profile in the school division of Lucena City. Specifically, it identified the school’s profile terms of the following categories: level of SBM, location of school, size school and title of school head. It also looks at the SBM practices of public elementary schools by profile in the school’s division of Lucena City. It also investigated the significant difference in practices in public elementary schools when they are grouped according to school profile. Furthermore, also looked at the challenges encountered by schools in SBM practices. Further, statistical tools employed include the weighted arithmetic mean and the t-test. Furthermore, the study revealed that most of the respondents are highly practiced in terms of SBM indicators or practices in every domain. The findings also indicate no significant difference between school profiles and SBM domains and practices. However, there is a significant difference between school profiles in terms of leadership and governance, curriculum, and instruction (school), and accountability and continuous improvement (location) in the SBM domain and practices. The study further implied that respondents strongly agreed with the lack of significant differences and challenges in the implementing of schoolbased management.


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