HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 10 (2023)

Learners’ Perceptions and Practices on Modular Distance Learning: Its Implication to Home Economics Performance

Natalin Talosig | Junge B. Guillena

Discipline: Education



Home economics is one of the learning areas in the K-12 curriculum which is performance-based as it develops a wide range of practical skills that enable learners to gain knowledge and understanding on cooking, family financing, nutrition, and other various skills for life. But with this pandemic, how will the mentioned skills will be developed among learners, especially in the modular distance learning modality. This study, aimed to look into the learners’ perceptions and practices on modular distance learning: Implications to Home Economics performance at Dalamas Integrated School, South - 1 District, Iligan City, Lanao del Norte in the school year 2022-2023. The study utilized the descriptive-correlational research design. Included in the data were the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, and parents’ educational attainment; perceptions of the respondents on Modular Distance Learning in terms of students’ preparedness, modular content, distribution and retrieval of modules, and support from school; and the academic performance of the students. Findings revealed that the respondents perceived Home Economics as helpful in improving their practical and life skills preparing them for their future. Though difficulties in providing good laboratories for applications of their topic are met especially in this time of the pandemic, still the students have realized the importance of Home Economics in their lives. It can be noted that learners need learning materials suitable to their needs to improve their engagement and participation in their classes. Moreover, providing a supportive school environment improves their motivation to learn the necessary skills expected of them to perform in their Home Economics class. However, data revealed that perceptions of students on modular distance learning do not necessarily affect their academic performance and that their perceptions is not differentiated based on their profile.


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