HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 10 (2023)

Exploring Mobile Game Dependency and Its Effects on Socialization of High School Students

Joseph Reyes | Justine Micko Regidor | Adriane Cabunas | Zylene Balana | Erica Mae Caparas | Mariella Gamboa | Joyce Ann Lapuz | Krissel Mangune | Rence Daniel Quinto | Erica Salunga | Daniel Tiglao

Discipline: Education



A descriptive cross-sectional study enabled the researchers to explore the level of mobile game dependency among the students enrolled in Telesforo and Natividad Alfonso High School (TNAHS) for the school year 2022-2023. This method also allowed the assessment of the social effects of mobile game dependency, which was also the objective of this study. This study employed a quantitative research design with the purposive sampling procedure applied as the sampling technique for data selection and printed self-questionnaires that were provided by the researchers as the research instrument. A total of 123 respondents participated in this study, comprising both junior high and senior high school students. The findings show that the respondents agreed with mobile game dependency. Thus, it shows that the level of mobile game dependency among TNAHS students was found to be quite high. Finally, the relationship between the level of mobile dependency and socialization of high school students was found to be significant and positive.


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