HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 12 no. 9 (2023)

Crossing Bridges: Classroom Management Experiences of Nurse Educators in Teaching Clinical Skills Simulation

Juvy Lynn Fortaleza | Ryan Omar Andang | Cliff Kirl F. Lubon

Discipline: Education



I conducted this qualitative research phenomenology study to explore the classroom management experiences of nurse educators in teaching clinical skills simulation. Five (5) nurse educators were selected at Brokenshire College SOCSKSARGEN, Inc. as participants. I used an in depth-interview utilizing a validated interview guide to extract important data from the participants. To analyze and interpret the data gathered, I used Colaizzi methodological approach. My study revealed positive and negative experiences of nurse educators in teaching clinical skills simulation. I also discovered that the participants have common classroom management practices: Guided and Practiced Demonstration, Post Conferencing, Diary Writing, and Return Demonstration. I also discovered that nurse educators are utilizing the Experiential Theory of Learning by Kolb but unknown to them, these common classroom practices are essential parts of teaching clinical skills simulation. Hence, a proposed professional developmental program was recommended to the school administration through the human resource department to bridge nurses' transition from a clinical setting to the academe.


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