HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 9 (2023)

A Study on the Perception of the Grade 12 Students of Saint Mary’s University Senior High School on Experiencing Communication Barriers During Distance Education

Danniela Andres | Deanne Justine Domingo | Franc Juerel Intendencia | Charissa Mae Jasmin | Shainne Nicholai Llanes | Tamara Algeia Mae Molina | Mary Catherine Siupan | Rachille Francis | Mark Balonquita

Discipline: Education



Due to COVID-19, education transitioned to online mode because e-learning is the best option for continuous education. Changes in the communication space and time of communication created barriers in the communication environment. Though online learning seems like the best study method, communication barriers are inevitable as the interaction between students and teachers is a vital part of learning. Hence, this study aimed to determine the perception of the Grade 12 students of Saint Mary’s University Senior High School on experiencing communication barriers during distance education. The research utilized a mixed-method design, involving both quantitative and qualitative methods. The survey questionnaire was participated in by 213 randomly selected Grade 12 students from all strands. The data were gathered and analyzed through descriptive, inferential statistics, and thematic analysis. This study found that the respondents’ experiencing a slight communication barrier. The results obtained revealed that sex and general weighted average were significant indicators of the students’ perception. In the thematic analysis, self-studying was the most preferred way on how they managed to learn despite experiencing communication barriers during distance education. Henceforth, the gathered body of knowledge could contribute to improving the quality of distance education for students, teachers, future generations, and the future researchers.


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