HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 6 (2023)

Instructional Practices Used by Secondary School Teachers in Improving the Skills in English Language

Jeger P. Paragas | Marvin Ballesteros

Discipline: Education



This study is concerned with the level of utilization of instructional practices and strategies used by Secondary School Teachers in improving the skills in English language in Fifth District of Pangasinan, Pangasinan Schools Division II for SY 2022 – 2023.Specifically, this study determined the level of utilization of instructional practices and strategies used by Secondary School Teachers in improving the skills in English language along reading comprehension, listening comprehension, viewing comprehension, vocabulary development, literature and writing and composition. This study (1) looked into the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, highest educational attainment, teaching position, number of years teaching English, and number of related trainings attended. (2) it also looked into the public secondary school teachers level of utilization of instructional practices and strategies used by Secondary School Teachers in improving the skills in English language. (3) the significant difference in the level of utilization of instructional practices and strategies used by Secondary School Teachers in improving the skills in English language across the profile variable. (4) the significant relationships between the teacher’s level of utilization of instructional practices and strategies used by Secondary School Teachers in improving the skills in English language and the profile variables. To address the foregoing problems raised in this study, statistical measures were used for data analysis and interpretations. These are the frequency counts (f) and percentage (%), the average weighted means (AWM), the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Pearson Product Moment of Coefficient Correlation were used.This study found out that most of the respondent teachers belong to the age bracket 20 - 29 years old that is 20 or 37.7 percent, 67.9 percent of the respondents are female, there are 30 or 56.6 percent of the respondents have earned their MA Units, most of the respondents occupy Teacher III position which is 31 or 58.8 percent. The level of utilization of instructional practices used by teachers in improving the English language skills of students with a grand overall weighted mean of 4.17 which is also described as “Utilized”The result of this study, the level of utilization of instructional practices and strategies used by Secondary School Teachers in improving the skills in English language had a GOWM of 4.17 which described as “Utilized”. This study recommends that the public secondary school teacher respondents should take their own initiative to pursue the highest educational degree which is the Graduate and Post Graduate degree and should undergo professional upgrading through higher level of trainings and seminar workshops. Also recommended are using more appropriate and relevant variables should be explored to better determine the level of utilization of instructional practices used by teachers in improving the English language skills of students. The teachers should give more time on improving the reading comprehension of the students by utilizing different instructional practices and strategies in teaching. Further research may be conducted to determine the level of utilization of instructional practices used by teachers in improving the English language skills of students from another perspective.