HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 11 no. 1 (2023)

Adoption Preference on Stray Animals: Basis for Animal Welfare Campaign

Sally Daniels Balones | Ruth Danielle Andres | John Mark Ceremonia | Zhidney Nahla Espiritu | Niño Judiel Paz | Jireh Elijah Rodriguez | Jose Mari Emmanuel Vendil | Jed Capistrano | Thania Maribojoc

Discipline: Education



This study aims to focus on the preferences of the community regarding the adoption of stray animals in Morong, Rizal. The data collection was conducted with five (5) pet owners in each of the 8 barangays in Morong, Rizal, in 2023. Based on the findings of this study, the researchers found that the pet owner-respondents in Morong, Rizal, are most likely ready to adopt stray animals based on their preferences in terms of type, breed, condition, and color. Their reasons correspond to the subjective theory of value since they talk about how valuable the animal’s life is to them. The pet owners of Morong, Rizal who are ready to adopt mostly prefer dogs and cats, due to that they prefer types that are beneficial to the owners with good physical state and behavior (type), askal/Aspin as their most preferred breed, due to that their most preferred breeds are any breeds and breeds don’t matter to the pet owners/respondents (breed), healthy, as they want animals that ensure better living and a long lifespan (condition), mostly prefer brown color, and have color that is interesting, lovely, and color they like (color). When adopting stray animals, the respondents' choice of preferences is subjective in two (2) ways. These are what seem the basis of individuals when selecting a pet to please their satisfaction on their different judgments. The researchers will propose an advocacy campaign promoting the adoption of stray animals, specifically encouraging the attributes that are not mostly preferred in strays. The key themes from the thematic analyses of the different preferences showed that although they valued animals’ lives regardless of their kind, some tended to select them due to their appearance and benefits.



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