HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 13 no. 4 (2023)

Challenges Encountered by the Newly Hired Teachers in the New Normal: Tagoloan District Experience

Hidaya Faisal | Omar Hussien

Discipline: Education



This study investigated the challenges encountered by newly hired teachers. It sought to determine (a) the demographic profile of the respondents; (b) the level of challenges encountered by the respondents in the new normal in terms of workload, instructional management, classroom management, and school environment; (c) the teaching performance of the respondents for S.Y. 2020-2021;(d) the relationship between the respondents’ level of challenges and their teaching performance; and (e) the proposed LAC session based on the results of the study. Fifty-eight (58) newly hired teachers were utilized as respondents. Results revealed that (a) most of the newly hired teachers were female belonging to the age group of 26-30 years, (b) most of the newly hired teachers found workload, classroom management, and school environment to be challenging, and the instructional management to be very challenging, (c) most of the newly hired teachers acquired a very satisfactory teaching performance rating, (d) the respondents’ level of challenges and their teaching performance had no significant relationship. The study depicted that although the newly hired teachers were challenged with their workload, instructional management, classroom management, and school environment, their performances were not affected, as depicted in their IPCRF rating.


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