The Moderating Effect of the Personality Traits in the Correlation Between Emotional Quotient and Spirituality Among College Students
Edel Mae Quibol | Emma Ceballo
Discipline: Education
This study determined the moderating effects of Personality Traits (PT) on the relationship between Emotional Quotient (EQ) and Spirituality (S) among college students. The 370 selected college students of college institutions in General Santos City for the AY 2022-2023 were the respondents of the study. A single moderator moderation approach was applied, and data were analyzed using weighted mean, Pearson Product Moment Correlation, and moderated hierarchical regression analysis. The results indicated that respondents have a high level of EQ and a high level of agreeableness in their PT, whereas extroversion was identified as the least. Also, a high level of spirituality, and a significant relationship existed between EQ and PT and with the correlation between EQ and Spirituality were concluded. Moderating variable of PT, specifically extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism did not significantly predict EQ on spirituality yet, conscientiousness and openness suggest otherwise. Conducting programs on integrating emotional skill development into existing curriculum, specifically on emotion to facilitate performance, aligning students’ personality on their chosen major, strengthening college students’ spiritual development on alleviating their disappointment in their relationship with God, promoting on teachers’ inner self, development of spiritual peer counselors, teacher training on emotional skills and resiliency, school related networking events to practice relationship building, and for future researchers, to conduct study on EQ, PT, and spirituality using qualitative and different populations to shed more light on topic were also added as recommendation.
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