HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 12 no. 1 (2023)

Self-efficacy and Building Skills of Bachelor of Culture and Arts Education Students at Polytechnic College of Botolan

Wean Chad Balangon | Mae Anne Torres | Ivy Villanueva

Discipline: Education



This study aims to determine students' Self-efficacy and developing skills of Bachelor of Culture and Arts Education students at Polytechnic College of Botolan. The study utilized an embedded mixedmethod approach to ensure the research's context depth. Using a descriptive approach, gathered data showed that students could achieve most of the goals they had set for themselves. It implies the students' effort to put in quality work output to obtain essential outcomes. This result is aligned with the process the Bachelor of Culture and Arts Education students have to go through to build their skills. Through narrative inquiry, the result of analyzed data is that Practice and Experience are how the students build their skills. It supported the students' self-efficacy. In order to achieve the goals the student set for themselves, they rely on experience and have to practice to produce quality performance. With the result of an embedded mixed-method approach where the result of the qualitative part supports the quantitative result that answers the main question, talent is only sometimes innate to students. They must practice and gain more experience to assess abilities and skills correctly.


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