HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 14 no. 1 (2023)

Association of Guidance Service and the Development of Individual Domains Among Tertiary Students

Cyra Anne Joquiño | Annalyn A. Delfino

Discipline: Education



The study was undertaken to analyze the association of guidance services and the development of individual domain among tertiary students in Laguna State Polytechnic University San Pablo Campus at San Pablo City Laguna. In this study the researcher gathered the data of 100 random tertiary students from first year to fourth year. The researcher use self-made questionnaire to describe the profile of the respondents and collect the data for the study, the self-made questionnaire are validated by 5 registered guidance counselors, 1 language professor, and 1 registered psychometrician. The findings demonstrated a much stronger correlation between the association of guidance services such as; attitude, awareness, and availability and the development of the students’ individual domain. The current findings supports that the association of attitude, awareness and availability of guidance services has an impact to the development of the students individual domain. The real service effects and give some evidence that school guidance services are useful for student growth in universities. School administrators are urged to take into account the indirect impacts of guidance services on student development while paying attention to the variations in delivery methods, as this helps the development and integration of complete guidance services.


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