Contextualized Video Lessons in Teaching Chemistry for Grade 9 Learners
Noel Tongohan
Discipline: Education
This study aimed to develop and evaluate the Contextualized Video Lessons in Teaching Chemistry
for Grade 9 Learners at Tanay West National High School, Tanay, Rizal. The study used descriptiveevaluative and quasi-experimental research design utilizing two instruments, such as questionnairechecklist and teacher-made pre-test and post-test. The respondents were composed of twenty (20)
Science teachers and ten (10) ICT experts, while the developed contextualized video lessons were
utilized among thirty (30) grade 9 learners in an online class. Mean was used to determine the
evaluation of the developed contextualized video lessons in terms of content, instructional, and
technical quality, and error found, while dependent t-test was used to determine the significant
difference on the performance of grade 9 learners before and after the exposure to the developed
video lessons. Based on the summary of findings, the following conclusions were drawn: the
developed contextualized video lessons have followed and aligned with the suggested competencies
and were engaging and commendable as evaluated by the respondents. The developed material
obtained an excellent rating as evaluated by the Science teachers and ICT experts, which can be used
as a supporting instructional material to enrich learning and can be assessed for its effectiveness
using different variables.
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