Jae-an V Sarucam | Johnrel M Paglinawan | Alyssa Marie M Paglinawan | John Vincent Otto
Discipline: business and management
This study aimed to design and to develop a web application for small-scale
businesses serving as a virtual store interface with access to all enrolled stores
providing their customers the services to check the store and product availability and
choose items to purchase. This study would not only help consumers and store
owners conveniently do buying and selling but also help in limiting the time spent for
face-to-face interaction which is very important in mitigating the spread of any virus
such as COVID-19. The web application will be responsive and available on mobile
phones for easier access. It also has integrated Quick Response (QR) Code technology
which was used to provide a reference code to customers. The system was developed
using Agile development model, a conceptual framework for undertaking software
engineering. Bootstrap Framework was also used in designing the application's user
interface to easily achieve responsive user interface (UI) maintaining ease of use and
functionality in various mobile and desktop views. Prior to development, a qualitative
interview with the consumers and store owners regarding the traditional shopping41
NRCP Research Journal Volume XXII | 2023 | Issue 2
processes was conducted to determine system requirements. Processes were
observed, documented, and evaluated to serve as basis for system design and
development. Furthermore, a usability survey was conducted to know the perception
of the users in terms of usefulness, satisfaction, and ease of use/learning the web
application. By closely observing the current processes of buying and selling, a more
efficient and convenient system was successfully developed and tested and based on
the survey result, the developed web application was useful and easy to use, and users
were satisfied with the application. The paper will also provide the information of the
processes involved during the development of the application and will present the
system design and overall functionality of the system.
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