HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 13 no. 7 (2023)

Challenges of English Teachers on Students with Learning Disabilitites

Bensar Kahil | Arnel Pradia

Discipline: Education



This qualitative study investigated challenges faced by English teachers when instructing students with learning disabilities. The research delved into instructional, assessment, and classroom management aspects. Utilizing focus group discussions and interviews with five participants from Isulan Central School SPED Center, the study employed thematic analysis for data interpretation. Results indicated instructional challenges encompassing limited teaching methods, absence of Braille resources, communication difficulties, and struggles in adapting to diverse learning styles. Assessment hurdles included constrained evaluation methods, unresponsiveness to assessments, and disruption during evaluations. Classroom management challenges comprised limited participation, hyperactivity, and emotional disorder management. Teachers employed strategies such as instructional modification, positive reinforcement, gamification, and support mechanisms. These strategies facilitated interactive learning, goal achievement, and behavior regulation. Positive outcomes were observed in terms of behavioral control, hyperactivity management, and enhanced participation. The study recommended a policy named "Guidelines for Special Education Teachers." The policy encompasses areas like qualifications, individualized education plans, differentiated instruction, collaboration, inclusive environment, behavior management, progress assessment, confidentiality, and ethical standards.In conclusion, English teachers confronted diverse challenges while instructing learners with disabilities. Despite these challenges, they effectively employed supportive strategies to navigate difficulties, highlighting the importance of positive feedback and assistance.


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