HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 13 no. 2 (2023)

Implementation of English Only Policy in Teaching and Learning English

Arnel Pradia | Lydia Bawa

Discipline: Education



This qualitative study examined challenges faced by English language learners and teachers in implementing the English Only Policy for English teaching. Data from 10 Grade 11 STEM students and 5 English teachers revealed teacher challenges, including students' hesitancy, limited speaking opportunities, and weak comprehension skills. Strategies to address these issues included simplifying lessons, using contextual content, and encouraging language tools. Students faced fear of punishment, lack of confidence, and grammar errors, but experienced benefits like improved skills and social growth. The policy's effectiveness for both teachers and students was evident, despite challenges. Recommendations include supportive environments for policy implementation, student recognition of English's importance, and future studies in different settings for broader understanding.


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