HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 13 no. 2 (2023)

Content-Based Interactive Reading Module for Grade 8

Lorna Ordiz

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the Content-Based Interactive Reading Module for Grade 8. It was conducted Francisco P. Felix Memorial National High School Cainta, Rizal. It utilized the descriptive and experimental research methods with a single group using the pretest and posttest design and adapted questionnaire checklist considering the objectives, content, language and style, organization and presentation, and usefulness. Thus, the developmental research design was also employed. The findings of the study showed that the learners’ performances especially the reading comprehension increased after using the developed content-based interactive reading material as a tool used in teaching literary pieces tackled and encountered in Grade 8. The results also revealed that the learners were rated as fair before the exposure on the developed content-based interactive reading module and increased into very satisfactory and outstanding after they were taught using the developed content-based interactive reading module. Moreover, the developed content-based interactive reading material was rated as Very Much Acceptable with respect to objectives, content, language and style, organization and presentation, and usefulness based on the English teachers- experts’ evaluation.Thus, the developed content-based interactive reading module served as a tool utilized by teachers in English in the improvement of their teaching approaches and methods inside the classroom scenario to make learning more effective and responsive to the learner’s needs.


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