HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 7 (2023)

Lived Experiences of Fourth Year Nursing Students on Limited Face-to-Face Classes: Basis for Program and Policy Enhancement

Patricia Anne Valenzuela | Ariel Beriso | Danica Joy De La Punta | Shiane Guiraldo | Katrina Macaraeg | Ma. Kirsteinne Nicole Nieva | John Reynald Sagisi | Joel John Dela Merced | Liza May B. Jecino | Mary Ann E. Lopez | Marie Anne A. Lapitan | Maria Criselda Reicelle Avelino | Marisa Batungbacal

Discipline: Education



One of the areas of human life most impacted by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is education, particularly for nursing students who must attend face-to-face classes to put their knowledge into practice. This study aimed to determine the lived experiences of nursing students in the limited faceto-face classes that mainly focused on before, during, and after school. Moreover, this study could be an instrument for policymakers, administrators, and program heads to enhance existing programs and policies in the limited face-to-face classes. The researchers utilized the phenomenological qualitative approach and a semi-structured interview to gather data. Purposive and snowball sampling methods were employed to select the participants. This study was conducted online with fifteen fourth-year nursing students who are enrolled in a premier educational institution in Quezon City. The study found that nursing students were excited to attend the limited face-to-face classes. However, some were hesitant because they were worried about being exposed to COVID-19. The challenges faced by the nursing students exposed areas of concern in the limited face-to-face classes. Results showed that the program and policy enhancements should focus on the students' uncertainty about learning, strict clinical instructors, too many return demonstrations in a day, no demonstration by the clinical instructor, sudden return demonstrations, late or no checklists provided, and the limited time of classes.


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