Journey of Students and Parents in Online Learning Mathematics During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Transcendental Phenomenology
Floro Belano
Discipline: Education
Countries all over the world dramatically shifted from face-to-face to online learning due to the
spread of the COVID-19 virus. To continue the learning of the students the Department of
Education in the Philippines has presented an online learning modality. Therefore, it is important to
determine the experiences of the students and parents in the online learning modality. Thus, the study
is focused on the experiences of the students and parents in online learning Mathematics using a
transcendental phenomenology. It utilized purposive sampling in determining the respondents, there
were three students including both parents a total of nine respondents. To gather the experiences of
the respondents as prescribed in phenomenology the researcher utilized face-to-face interviews. The
findings revealed that students and parents were struggling in online learning Mathematics as
indicated by underlying experiences such as poor internet connection, difficulty in understanding the
lesson, and procrastination. In addition, parents had a lack of content knowledge and pedagogy and
struggled in online learning due to limited knowledge of the new technology. Thus, this study serves
as a basis for providing a comprehensive education policy while considering the perspective of the
students and parents during the pandemic.
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