HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 14 no. 2 (2023)

The Manobo Learners’ English Language Learning

Farhana Mishael Lumontod | Arnel Pradia

Discipline: Education



This study investigated Manobo learners' experiences in learning English as a second language at Artemio L. Martin Integrated School in Obial, Kalamansig, Sultan Kudarat, Philippines. It focused on understanding their attitudes, encountered difficulties, and coping strategies during their English language acquisition journey.Using a phenomenological approach, the research employed the Collaizi method to delve into the unique experiences of Manobo learners in the context of foreign language learning. In-depth interviews were conducted with ten carefully selected Manobo participants, using open-ended guide questions to gather insights into their English language learning experiences.The study revealed that Manobo learners at Artemio L. Martin Integrated School generally have a negative attitude towards learning English, albeit recognizing its practical importance. They face a range of challenges, including educational disadvantages, difficulties in effectively utilizing internet resources, struggles with reading and pronouncing unfamiliar words, and a pervasive lack of confidence in their language abilities. To overcome these obstacles, they utilized various adaptive mechanisms, such as using dictionaries, collaborating with peers, seeking assistance from teachers and family members, and harnessing technology and media to improve their Englishspeaking skills.Additionally, the paper introduced "Padayon sa Pagtuon og Ingles para sa Kaugmaon" as an intervention material designed to support and empower Manobo learners in overcoming these challenges and advancing in their English language acquisition journey.


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