HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 9 (2023)

Attitude of Senior High School Students Towards the Use of English Language: Its Relationship to Their Oral Communication Skills

Gary Boy Valdez | Librado Lopez

Discipline: Education



The study made use of a descriptive-correlational research to determine the attitude of senior high school students towards the use of the English language and its relationship to their oral communication skills. The data were gathered from 176 senior high school students using the 25-item English language questionnaire to measure the attitude of students towards the use of the English language and the level of oral communication skills using the interview guide. Responses were audio-recorded by the researcher and rated using rubrics by the raters. Based on the findings, almost all agreed that learning English is an important goal in their life; understand the meaning of some English songs when listening to its lyrics; and like to watch English movies. Moreover, studying English helps them communicate the English language effectively; and studying the English subject makes them feel more confident. Also, they joined English club and some English competitions. They prefer to speak English in their English classes. They take English course to improve their English language. Generally, the respondents have positive attitude toward the use of the English language. In addition, the oral communication skill is proficient. Students with high level of oral communication skills are 19 years old in ABM Track. The oral communication skills of students differ significantly according to age and track. And finally, students’ attitude towards the use of the English language is significantly related to their oral communication skills.


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