HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 14 no. 8 (2023)

Perception of Students and Faculty on Problem - Based Learning as a Teaching Strategy

Sheila Lyn Recidoro | Lester Naval

Discipline: Education



This study sought to assess the Perception of Students and Faculty on Problem - Based Learning as a Teaching Strategy in Nursing Education. Sixty-three (63) Brokenshire College SOCSKSARGEN, Inc., Level Three Nursing students enrolled in the school year 2008 - 2009, five (5) Level III Student Nurses enrolled in the School Year 2018 -2019 and eleven (11) Clinical Instructors were the respondents. They were chosen as the respondents because they had the experience of using the Problem - Based Learning as a teaching strategy. Three variables were used to assess the perception of students on Problem Based Learning as Teaching Strategy in Nursing Education: a) Development of Critical Thinking, b) Development of Cooperative Learning and, c) Promotion of Active Participation. A validated questionnaire based on the review of related literature. Descriptive Survey was used to collect the data. The findings revealed that the weighted mean of the students on the development of critical thinking is 4.30 which means highly effective while clinical instructors weighted mean is 3.97 which also mean as highly effective. As the Development of cooperative learning, both the students and the clinical instructor evaluated Problem - Based Learning as highly effective revealing the weighted mean of 3.90 and 4.45 respectively. Both the students and clinical instructors agreed that Problem - Based Learning promotes active participation as revealed in the weighted mean, 4.87 and 4.15 respectively. Based on the findings, obtained the Problem - Based Learning can enhance critical thinking, cooperative learning, and student’s active participation.


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