April Aura Cacho | Iris Espinel | Klea May Iwag | Erika Rose Magcanan | Jonalyn Panes
Discipline: Education
This study aims to evaluate the effect of space on the learners on the academic learning. The respondents of this study were the 30 grade five pupils of Benjamin Aguilar Elementary School. Results revealed that, as an entire group, the effects of space on academic learning was described as “very highly effective” with a mean of 4.7937 (SD = 0.21063). The effect of Space when grouped into sex, male respondents had a mean of 4.7931 which meant “very highly effective” and the female respondents had a mean of 4.8438 which meant “strongly agree”. When grouped into Parents’ Monthly Income, 10k and above had a mean of 4.8162 which meant “very highly effective” and 10k below had a mean of 4.8235 which meant “very highly effective”. Results showed that there was no significant difference on the effects of space on the academic learning of grade 5 learners when grouped into sex with p-value of 0.62 (df-28)thus the null hypothesis of no significant difference was accepted. When grouped into family income, no significant differences was also noted in the effects of space in the academic learning of grade 5 learners. Thus the null hypothesis was accepted (pvalue= 0.916; df=28).