HomeEducation Reviewvol. 9 no. 1 (2015)

Improving the Readiness of the Students for On-the-Job Training

Tirso O. Palermo | Dennis O. Dumrique

Discipline: Education



Hotel practicum is a capstone course for graduating students of any Hotel and Restaurant Management (HRM) program. Students gain a better understanding of project management and teamwork through an intense hands-on experience. This research presents the result of a study on improving the readiness of the HRM students of Jose Rizal University in their on-the-job training. The students went through three phases of assessment: the beginning assessment, the process assessment, and exit assessment. Their readiness was identified based on these three domains: knowledge, skills, and attitude. After the beginning assessment, it was found that the students only had a moderate level of readiness on the aforementioned domains. Hence, intervention programs were implemented to address the issue. The research concludes that the use of intervention programs improved greatly the readiness of the students in their on-the-job training.


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