Exploring Unconventional Paths: Narratives of Science Appreciation Among Non-STEM Students
Joelash R. Honra
Discipline: Education
This study explored the science appreciation journeys of non-STEM students, aiming to comprehend the impact of significant life experiences
on their appreciation for science and the subsequent decisions steering
them away from STEM pursuits. Employing a narrative inquiry design
within the qualitative research method, the study investigates how
these life experiences shape the participants' plans and the insights
gleaned from their untrodden paths of science appreciation. Utilizing a
validated interview guide aligned with research sub-questions, the narratives collected illuminate the participants' perspectives, facilitating a
comprehensive exploration of the central question. The findings reveal
that practical science applications in co-curricular and extra-curricular
settings fostered participants' science appreciation, while familial,
peer, and resource influences dictated their divergence from STEM trajectories. Despite not pursuing a STEM strand, participants retained
their appreciation of science, underlining the enduring power of scientific values applicable to environmental conservation. This study recommends creating learning opportunities that allow students to explore scientific interests outside traditional STEM pathways and advocates for intensified career guidance programs bolstered by parental
involvement to empower learners in making informed decisions about
their future. The research encourages future investigations into the limitations of this study, emphasizing the need for parallel studies to enrich our understanding of the complex dynamics influencing students'
academic and career choices.
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