HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 1 (2023)

Exploration of Non-Verbal Features and Functions Among Secondary Teachers in the Philippines

Rothsel Cabatac | Shaira Madel Atienza | Ellen Joy Gareza | Kaye Junsay | Margie Olmedo

Discipline: Education



This qualitative-descriptive study aimed to explore the non-verbal features and functions of six Secondary English teachers in the Philippines. The data were collected through observation notes, interviews, and video recording. The in-depth interview data were qualitatively examined using descriptive method and thematic analysis. The findings showed that the non-verbal features included: facial expressions, eye contact, and hand gestures used by the English teachers inside the classroom. Based on the participants, the functions of facial expressions were affirmation and dissatisfaction. Eye contact was used to direct reference, establish credibility and establish connection. Hand gestures were carried out through the use of palm, clapping, and raising of hand to express and emphasize information inside the classroom. Consequently, it was found out that non-verbal features and their functions were essential parts of an interactive and efficient classroom. Teachers were able to demonstrate and deliver their lessons thoroughly with the use of actions as an expression of oneself. Subsequently, they were better understood when they used varied expressions and gestures. As teachers embodied with competent skills and proficient communication prowess, it was an essential method that can be used by teachers aside from the verbal aspect. It helped them set the learning process engaging and conducive.


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