HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 3 (2023)

School Discipline: Its Impact as Perceived by the Basic Education Learners

Wilter C Friales |  Apolinario  Nana | Luzel   Alo | Welhilmina Tajo | Joey Pescuela

Discipline: Education



School discipline aims to help create a safe, orderly, and positive learning environment that usually uses discipline to correct the misbehavior of the learners through the rules and strategies employed by schools to manage student behaviors and support their developmental needs. Using a descriptive design, this study aimed to describe the impact of school discipline on the learners of Notre Dame of Marbel University-Integrated Basic Education Department in terms of their behavior, building confidence, relationships with their teachers or advisers, and with their parents, which serve as input for the enhancement of Prefecting in school. School discipline impacts different indicators, depending on the student. Elementary students' relationships with their parents highly impact their discipline. Students in junior high school also experience similar results. On the contrary, disciplines have a very high impact on the students’ behavior. These results show how the impact of discipline varies for every set of students. The study affirms the appropriate approaches of the three departments of NDMU-IBED when it comes to school discipline. However, there are also areas in which there is a need to revisit and review in order to improve, such as the area of social relationships among the learners, which by far obtained the lowest mean.


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