HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 4 (2023)

Contextualized Learning Materials Using Sinama Delaut in K to Grade III Learners

Agustina Doloritos

Discipline: Education



The study aimed to develop a contextualized learning material (SINAMA DELAUT) an instructional material in teaching Badjao learners in Mother Tongue Based-Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) of Totolan Elementary School. Badjao learners from kindergarten to grade three served as the respondents–evaluators in the study. The researcher used an adopted and modified questionnaire checklist to determine the level of acceptability of the contextualized learning material's contents, illustrations/photos, and usefulness. It also sought to determine the level of acceptability of the developed contextualized learning material in switching logic as perceived by the learners in terms of contents, illustrations/photos, and usefulness. Weighted mean was used to test if there was a significant difference in the level of acceptability of the developed contextualized learning material as perceived by the one group of respondents; a t-test was utilized. Based on the results, the contextualized learning material was very much accepted as evaluated by the users, thus, it can be used as instructional material with the Badjao learners in Mother Tongue Based-Multilingual Education subjects. The developed contextualized learning material is also suitable for learners who are in the primary grades and the grades IV to VI Badjao learners and can be utilized as effective instructional material in accomplishing competency-based subjects. There is a significant difference between the Pre-test and Post-test results of the contextualized learning materials from kindergarten to grade three since the Post-test is higher than the Pre-test. There is a significant difference in the mean before and after the conduct of the contextualized learning materials. Since the f value of 10.12 is greater than the f critical value of 2.72, the null hypothesis was rejected. It is concluded that the developed SINAMA DELAUT contextualized learning material was found to be accepted by the Badjao learners. It is very useful in delivering lessons in Mother Tongue Based-Multilingual Education subjects. The extent of the contextualized learning materials has a bearing on pupils’ academic performance. It is recommended that the Badjao learners have to maintain their approaching proficiency academic performance and positive behavior toward schooling. Teachers with the full support of the school management, shall apply for copyright and ISBN at the Philippines “National Library or Philippines” Intellectual Property Office. DepEd and NCIP have also to continue to tie up with the stakeholders/elders for their support and use the financial resources to strengthen the Indigenization Curriculum. Badjao learners should study for master's and doctoral degrees with educational assistance from GO, NGO, and Bohol Island State University. Furthermore, future researchers may conduct related studies to verify the findings on the impact of SINAMA DELAUT contextualized learning materials.


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