HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 6 (2023)


Julius R. Garzon

Discipline: Education



Solving mathematical problems poses a significant difficulty for learners in the process of acquiring mathematical knowledge. Hence, teaching and developing this skill in learners proves to be a challenging task due to various factors. Employing a descriptive correlational design, this research seeks to identify factors that correlate problem-solving difficulties among 375 Junior High School (JHS) students at Ibarra NHS, Philippines during the 2021-2022 academic year. The findings offer insights into a potential intervention called Project IMPACT (Intensify Mathematical Problem-based Activities through Collaborative Techniques). Results indicated that a majority of students exhibited below average performance in problem-solving, primarily attributed to a limited grasp and comprehension of the underlying concepts. The learners perceived all fundamental problems in the test as 'very difficult' at their grade level. Additionally, respondents concurred that factors related to students, teachers, and schools impacted their problem-solving abilities, as evidenced by the significant correlation between these factors and the difficulties encountered in problem-solving. In conclusion, this study asserts that both the performance and difficulties in problem-solving are influenced by factors associated with students, teachers, and schools. Thus, the proposed Project IMPACT emerges as a pertinent, timely, and necessity-driven intervention aimed at addressing the hurdles in problem-solving faced by learners.


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