HomeLPU-Laguna Journal of Arts and Sciencesvol. 4 no. 2 (2022)

Management of Risk Communication in Lyceum of the Philippines University-Laguna: Basis for Risk Communication Management Plan

Edna Bernaba | Wilzon Vitug

Discipline: Education



Risk communication management refers to the overall process of handling risk messages within an organization expressed in written or verbal form, which puts organizations at an advantageous position. Considering how risk studies within higher education institutions are limited, this study sought to assess the risk communication management efforts of Lyceum of the Philippines University-Laguna and propose a plan based on the CERC Model and Social Judgment Theory. The study made use of quantitative and qualitative data obtained from a survey among 321 respondents and Focus Group Discussions with 6 respondents comprised of students, faculty, and administrative heads or staff. Results revealed that while online and onsite risk communication management preferences were available, they were not completely effective. There was no established regular schedule as to when risk information is disseminated, and the use of English was observed consistently. The institution currently has several risk communication management efforts which enable them to meet the demands of the five CERC stages, yet such efforts are ineffective and unstable in the long run. There is no difference in the assessment of students, teachers, and administrative heads and staff of the risk communication management of LPU-Laguna To further, a Risk Communication Management Plan which seeks to improve on current policies and standards is recommended which would focus on the five stages of the CERC model and the involvement of students, teachers, and administrative heads and staff as a measure of their acceptance and involvement with the proposed initiatives.


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