HomeLPU-Laguna Journal of Arts and Sciencesvol. 4 no. 1 (2021)

The Epidemiology of Multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolated from Filipinos over a 10-year Period

Kristine E. Tamaray | Enrico C. Garcia

Discipline: health studies



Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is characterized by the nonsusceptibility of certain species, especially bacterial species, to their respective antibiotics. Klebsiella pneumoniae, a gramnegative bacterium from the Enterobacateriaceae family and is one of the species (ESKAPE pathogens) that causes nosocomial infections. These bacteria are omnipresent in nature and can even be found inside the mouth flora but can cause pneumonia once they enter the respiratory tract. In this study, the researcher aimed to plot a decade trend (2010-2019) of the Philippine cases of pneumonia that were caused by the K. pneumoniae isolates. Moreover, nonsusceptibility patterns against antibiotics were also examined; both are analyzed and illustrated using Microsoft Excel. The increasing trends of MDR K. pneumoniae isolates every year are alarming as categorized antimicrobial agents seem to have little to no efficacy against these pathogens. , the researcher suggests an in-depth study inclusive of complete data from the main reference (i.e.: concentrations of the antibiotics used to examine resistance per region) and the morbidity and mortality reports of patients that suffered illnesses due to K. pneumoniae-induced infections as the plotted trends only supplement superficial information regarding the seriousness of resistant K. pneumoniae isolates.


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