HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 5 (2023)


Maria Gabrielle Jarap

Discipline: Education



This study utilized the phenomenological research design to understand the triggers of early sexual initiation among adolescents. Results of this study could have schools and other agencies make and carry out policies to gradually reduce the unfavorable consequences of early sexual initiation. The participants purposefully selected for this study were six Male/Female, aged 18-21 years old, adolescents who have had their first sexual experience below age 18, and currently enrolled in School 1, JHS of SY 2022-2023. Colaizzi’s seven steps of phenomenological approach were utilized. Findings conclude that the triggers of the participants to engage in early sexual initiation are Broken/Dysfunctional Family, Poor Parental Monitoring/ Lack of Parental Support, Lack of Sex Education, Exposure to Sexually Explicit Materials in social media, Peer Pressure, Alcohol Consumption, Smoking and use of Illicit Substances, High Level of Intimacy and Satisfy Curiosity. Early sexual initiation is more likely to occur in adolescents who come from broken or dysfunctional families, who are not well-monitored by their parents, and who lack parental support. Male adolescents are more likely to experience an intense peer pressure, while females have a strong feeling of trust and love for one’s partner as the reason for their early sexual initiation. Exposure to sexually explicit materials and alcohol consumption, smoking, and use of illicit substances also increase the likelihood of adolescents engaging early in sex. On top of these, having the urgent need to satisfy their curiosity may also lead them to engage early in sex. Messages of these participants to their peers on taking care of their well-being are Live a Happy Life, Break Bad Habits, Finish School, and Be Sexually Responsible. This suggests the importance of teaching positive emotions, which help adolescents to think and solve problems better, reducing their risks of being involved in risky sexual behaviors. Thinking and solving problems better, would more likely break bad habits of adolescents, finish school and be sexually responsible.


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