HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 9 (2023)

Level of Volleyball Skills and Factors Affecting Students’ Skill Acquisition: Towards the Development of an Instructional Material

Yun Ji Reina Fernandez | Chino Niño Busalanan | Rose Mary Busalanan | Lourdelin Orapa | Jennie Rose Dapar | Rafunzel Y Bulilawa

Discipline: Education



Volleyball, a popular activity with both leisure and competitive aspects, plays an important role in physical education. In today's educational context, the paradigm shift toward online learning has created new challenges for facilitating effective skill acquisition in sports. This study aimed to investigate and understand the various factors influencing students' volleyball skill acquisition in online learning, with the ultimate goal of developing Volleyball instructional materials customized to this unique situation. The researchers used random sampling through the lottery method to select the Holy Name University college students in the Bachelor of Physical Education program. This study utilized mixed-method research, specifically exploratory design. The quantitative method was employed to identify the factors influencing the students' skill acquisition, followed by the development of instructional material using a qualitative approach. Data was gathered through a researcher-made survey questionnaire and a modified rubric for assessing volleyball skills. Results show that most students performed serving, receiving, and setting the ball satisfactorily, but they struggled in spiking and blocking. The study also revealed that students' attitude is the factor that highly affects the students' skill acquisition in volleyball, followed by teaching strategies and parental support.


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