HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 7 (2023)

Increasing the Mean Percentage Score (MPS) in Mathematics Among Grade V Pupils Through MaTEAMa-TECH Video Presentation

Marynel Olvida | Richard Catarroja | Realyn Caguite | Bebelyn Nicoleta

Discipline: Education



This study focused on increasing the Mean Percentage Score (MPS) in Mathematics among Grade V Pupils through MaTEAMa-TECH Video Presentation. Quasi-experimental method of research was applied among 38 Grade V Pupils through purposive sampling. Mean Percentage and Paired T-test were used to statistically analyze the data that has been collected. Results revealed that the Mean Percentage Score (MPS) in Mathematics among Grade V pupils increased after the use of the MaTEAMa-TECH Video presentation since the t-value (9.7148) was greater than the c-value (2.04) the null hypothesis was rejected. There is a significant difference between Mean Percentage Score (MPS) in Mathematics among Grade V pupils before and after using the MaTEAMa-TECH Video presentation. These results proved that the video presentation provides an improvement in increasing the Mean Percentage Score in Mathematics among Grade V pupils. A paved way to use MaTEAMaTECH Video Presentation increasing the MPS of the pupils in Mathematics.


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