HomeEducation Reviewvol. 12 no. 1 (2023)

The Leaning Tower of PISA: A Critique to the Institutionalized Concept of Assessment

Sensei Adorador

Discipline: Education



This paper conducts a comprehensive critique of the educational system in the Philippines, with a specific focus on its performance in the 2018 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). The study endeavors to unveil the underlying causes that have led to the persistent challenges facing Philippine education, which have remained unresolved over the years and have significantly influenced the outcomes of the 2018 PISA. Furthermore, this research delves into the institutionalized framework of assessment within the Philippine education system, highlighting its inherent issues and drawbacks. Comparative analysis is also conducted to shed light on how other nations have successfully improved their international rankings in education. In summary, this study offers a thorough examination of the Philippine educational landscape, emphasizing its connection to the 2018 PISA results, while also exploring potential avenues for reform based on successful strategies adopted by other countries.


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