HomeLAMDAGvol. 12 no. 1 (2021)

Personality Traits and Transformational Leadership of Middle Managers in their Work Performance Towards Organizational Effectiveness

Sheryll Marie Aruta



An organization is comprised of people with a shared vision, mission, goals, and objectives - striving to achieve organizational effectiveness within the constraints of available resources. The purpose of this paper is to present the influence of middle managers’ personality traits and transformational leadership on their work performance towards school organizational effectiveness. The research was carried out among RVM schools in the Higher Education Department of Northern Mindanao. The respondents hold middle administrative positions in the institution such as a college dean, service head, and coordinator. Data were treated using statistical tools such as Mean and Standard Deviation, Shapiro-Wilk Test, Spearman’s Rank and Correlation Coefficient, and Multiple Linear Regression. According to results, openness to experience is the majority domain of the personality traits of middle managers. Also, when it comes to transformational leadership dimensions, most are found to be inspirational and motivational leaders. When it comes to working performance, most middle managers are on contextual performance approach. Moreover, the administration is the most extensive factor among the four (4) areas adapted in the PAASCU survey to measure organizational effectiveness. Findings also revealed that personality traits and transformational leadership are significantly correlated. Conversely, transformational leadership had a positive impact on the outcome of their work performance. Furthermore, personality traits and transformational leadership are strongly linked to organizational effectiveness. Moreover, LAMDAG Journal of the Graduate School 2021, Vol. 12 No. 1 ©2022 by the Capitol University Press the work performance of the respondents significantly mediates the effect of respondents’ personality traits and transformational leadership on the organizational effectiveness of schools. Finally, transformational leadership has a significant direct impact on the school’s organizational effectiveness. From the findings and results of the study, an organizational effectiveness model was created that will be the basis for the professional development plan for middle managers. This professional development plan envisions to improve employees’ engagement and performance that enhance employees’ outcomes and contribute to school’s organizational effectiveness.


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