HomeDangal Research Journalvol. 2 no. 1 (2020)

Student Outcomes Assessment System for Pamantasan ng Cabuyao

Jasper P Diongco | Anna Vida H Lopez | Rich Lhyne O Rebana

Discipline: Education



The adaptation and shift from traditional teaching m ethods to outcom e -based education wherein decision about curriculum are driven by the ex it learning outcom es that the student displa y at the end of the course. Assessm ent of lea rning outcom es is an im portant aspect of any educational landscape. At every point in a stud ent’s life, they face assessm ent it is an inseparable part of every student’s ca reer trajectory that becom es a lens for understand ing student lea rning and identifying invisible barriers, and helps to im prove tea ching approaches. In this stud y, researchers developed a system entitled “Student Outcom es Assessm ent System for Pamantasan ng Cabuyao”. The system is useful in a way that it would help the university to improve the current practices in t erms of m anaging the curriculum and mapping of the curriculum in respective stud ent outcom es. The system desire outcom e is to help and contribute improvement of the university courses instructional program s a nd ensuring that outcome achieved is aligned with the m ission and vision of the university.


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