Kevin A Balatico | Chan Andre O Cruz | Rowena P Sexiona | Nesceline Lei R Victor
Discipline: others in business and management
The rising competitiveness within the business
environment has led organizations to use various marketing
strategies to help achieve their organizational goals of long
term profitability and sustainable business revenues.
According to research, by using Kano’s method, trajectories
of quality attributes have been identified and they can be
potentially useful to the businesses to provide its target
buyers with premium goods and exceed customer’s
satisfaction. The literature and studies showed that product
quality improvement has a positive effect on the sales
performance of the business.
The primary objective of this study was to propose a product
quality improvement for CSPC that will help to increase
their sales performance and create awareness. An interview
with the respondents was accomplished using the selfstructured survey questionnaires through the use of Google
forms. It was conducted using descriptive method where it
involved the description, recording, observing, and
classifying of the data. The respondents were selected based
on who could provide the best answer and information in
achieving the research objectives, wherein, the respondents
were those who actually experienced and had knowledge of
CSPC products. The researchers used percentage and
frequency distribution to determine the demographic profile
of the respondents.
Our findings indicated that the majority of the
respondents were single females, with the age of 24 – 35
years old and most of them are a college graduate. Also,
majority of the respondents were employed with a total
household income ranging from 20,001 to 30,000. They are
the one who has the means to afford the bag of Cabuyao
Sewers Producers Cooperative even during pandemic.
Moreover, it showed that the customers’ level of satisfaction
on basic feature of CSPC’s products in terms of zipper,
pocket, and strap shares the same overall mean with very
satisfied interpretation which simply implies that the
respondents were satisfied with the basic features of the
products. Lastly, it also showed that the customers were also
very satisfied with the performance and excitement features
of the product.
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