HomeDangal Research Journalvol. 3 no. 1 (2021)

Tux Coding Penguin: A 3D Android Game about Basic Computer Programming Elements using Unity

Neil Tristan M Alcabasa | Fernan Christopher C Capito | Yuwhan D Delfinado

Discipline: Computer Engineering



Programm ing is not an easy skill to lea rn. This stud y fo cuses on developing an educational - arcade and roid m obile gam e to teach and help the users pra ctice the basic elem ents of com puter programm ing. The gam e has three m odes: single - player, m ultiplayer, and quiz m ode. The resea rchers used Scrum m ethodol ogy in its gam e developm ent life cycle. The software used in gam e developm ent were Unity, Blend er, Adobe Photoshop, Auda city, a nd Micro soft Visual Studio. Using the ISO 25010 for softwa re a cceptability test, the gam e was found to be good and is highly acce ptable by the gam e enthusia sts and experts. The gam e was efficient and effective. It excels in the area of functionality, usability, a nd perfo rm ance efficiency.


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