HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 3 no. 9 (2022)

Teachers’ Narratives: Unveiling the Visceral Accounts of Learning Facilitators in the New Normal

Junry Esparar | Milagros Aurea Sabidalas | Rolando Peralta Jr

Discipline: Education



This study analyzed the teachers’ Personal Experience Narratives (PEN) as learning facilitators in the new normal. Nine (9) teachers were chosen as participants in the Schools Division Office of Kabankalan City who took part in the spoken interview. The narratives shared in the spoken interview were transcribed and analyzed using the Narrative Analysis: The Personal Experience Narrative Approach. These PEN were discussed using the path diagram showing factors that affect the Personal Experience Narrative. The results revealed that all nine participants considered their experience in the MDL as challenging. In addition, there were three (3) common codes derived from the narratives of the participants – (1) The Painstaking Job of a Learning Facilitator in the New Normal, (2) The Innate Creativity of a Genuine Educator, and (3) The Remarkable Insights Gleaned from the New Experiences. Moreover, it was revealed that the participants considered knowledge of technology, flexibility, positive mindset, commitment, and productivity as vital in the implementation of Modular Distance Learning in the new normal.


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